Here you will find references to changes in previous contributions or updates of libraries.
12th January 2025 – Miscellaneous
With the increasing number of posts and libraries, the number of comments, questions, maintenance work, updates etc. inevitably increases. Accordingly, there is less time for new contributions. That’s just the way it is!
Here’s a brief summary of the most important things I’ve taken care of in the last few weeks:
- With my library for the ICM20948 (here you get to the article, here to GitHub) there were always problems with the magnetometer detection. The problem is solved!
- Advance warning: I will have to make a change to the library for other reasons that is not backwards compatible. Existing sketches need a (small) change.
- Update of my MicroPython library for the ADS1115. I have added support for the ADS1015, as I did previously for the Arduino version of the library.
- ADXL345 modules (acceleration sensor) have problems with SPI communication under certain conditions. I have added corresponding notes to my library on GitHub in the ReadMe.
- In my article about HC-05/HC-06 modules, I added a sketch in which one HC-05 “master” controls two HC-05 “slaves” using the multiplexing method.
- In my article ‘WLAN with ESP8266 and ESP32’ I have added a sketch (which you find here findet), that provides a remedy if the page refresh is required, but also leads to problems.
19th July 2024 – ESP-NOW adjusted to ESP32 board package version3.x
I have adapted the article ESP-NOW regarding the changes from ESP32 board package version 3.0.0 and “repaired” the sketches. Accordingly, the sketches no longer work with board packages of versions < 3.x.
2nd June 2024 – Problems with the ESP32 board package, version 3.x
As some of you may have noticed, the ESP32 board package has been updated from version 2.0.17 to version 3.0.0 – unfortunately not backwards compatible in many aspects. What arrogance!
I’ve already changed a few little things here and there. But ESP-NOW was probably the hardest hit.
If you notice something in connection with ESP32 sketches that does not work, please let me know. I will try to adjust them as quickly as possible.
31st May 2024 – Setting the DS3231 with a DCF77 module
I have added a sketch to my article about the DS3231 module that shows how to set the module at regular intervals with a DCF77 module. Hier you directly get to the relevant chapter.
13th April 2024 – ADXL345: SPI problems solved for some modules
Certain ADXL345 modules do not work via SPI 4-Wire. But there is a simple way to solve the problem. You find the details here in my post about the ADXL345 and here on GitHub.
19th December 2023 – ADS1115_WE now also works with the ADS1015
I have now also made my ADS1115_WE library compatible with the ADS1015. The new version 1.5.0 is available on Github and should also be available via the Arduino IDE in the next few days. The ADS1015 has a lower resolution (16 bit compared to 12 bit), but is also up to three times faster.
9th December 2023 – Removed range option INA226_WE
In the INA226_WE library, I had set two ranges for the current, namely 0.8 and 0.4 amps. However, I have now realised that the smaller range does not provide any advantage in terms of resolution. A new version (1.2.9) of the library is now available.
22nd October 2023 – Compatibility Mode for INA226_WE
When I wrote the libraries INA226_WE and INA219_WE, I did not choose the best names for the measurement modes (POWER_DOWN, TRIGGERED, CONTINUOUS). Therefor, both libs can’t be used in one sketch in parallel. To solve the problem and ensure compatibility with older versions, I have added a file “INA226_WE_config.h” to the INA226_WE, in which you can activate a compatibility mode by uncommenting the line “//#define INA226_WE_COMPATIBILITY_MODE_”. Then use the names of the measuring modes preceded by “INA226_”, e.g. “INA226_CONTINUOUS”.
21st September 2023 – comments did not work
18th September 2023 – Sleep Sketches for ICM20948_WE and MPU9250_WE
I have added example sketches to my libraries for the MPU9250 and the ICM20948 to show how to use the sleep modes for these modules. You always have to set the magnetometer to sleep first and then the main IC. For the wake-up procedure, it is the other way around.
12th May 2023 – Update EEPROM_SPI_WE
I have launched a new version of my library EEPROM_SPI_WE. It now works also for small EEPROMs such as the 25LC010, 25LC020 or 25LC040. Furthermore, I have introduced new functions to handle string objects properly.
25th April 2023
I have updated the library for the ADXL345. It is now possible to change the SPI pins, for example when using an ESP32. In the example sketch ADXL345_SPI_basic_data.ino you can find the details.
16th April 2023
Important notice!!! The design of the MCP23017 has changed 2022. I was not aware until today. Unfortunately, Microchip has taken away the input function of the pins GPA7 and GPB7. The pins are now pure OUTPUT pins. What a bad idea! Visually, there’s no difference, so you’ll have to test which version you have. I have not adjusted the example sketches and the post texts (MCP23017 / MCP23x1y family) so far!
4th April 2023
In my article about the ADS1220 I have now added an example circuit for using a symmetrical power supply.
19th January 2023
I improved the interrupt sketches of my library MCP23017_WE. They worked, but were not particularly robust. They can be found in the related post and in the latest version of the library, which should be updated automatically via the Arduino IDE.
4th November, 2022
- If you have tried to call my blog this afternoon, you might have received the famous 404 Error. The problem was related with the update to WordPress version 6.4. in combination with a certain plug-in. Now everything seems to work again.
- I added a sketch to my article about the DS3231 which allows you to set the time via the serial monitor.
31st October 2022
I have modernized all my libraries on GitHub:
- I have streamlined and emptied the constructors.
- Instead of “private” I now use “protected” to make inheritance easier.
- Instead of c-casts, I have implemented the safer static_cast.
All libraries were tested, of course, but I can’t test all options and example sketches on every available board. If anything doesn’t work, please let me know!
14th August 2022
- have revised the post IR proximity sensor – how to build it yourself. Among other things, base resistors on transistors were missing. I have also added a few notes about the pulse method.
3rd August 2022
- In my article “Using the ATmega328 standalone” I forgot the pull-up resistor at the RESET when programming via USB-to-TTL adapter. Who wondered that the program upload sometimes worked and sometimes not, now knows the reason. I have revised the circuits accordingly.
30th July 2022
- I get more and more comments and e-mails that the magnetometer of the MPU9250 does not work and/or the sketches return (“….. does not respond”). The issue is related to the modules and not to my library – please read the readme on GitHub. I have also added an example sketch called “MPU9250_who_am_I” that allows you to check which IC is actually used on your module.
26th July 2022
- I have improved the post about the HX711 based balance a little bit. The sketches are now better transferable to ESP32 / ESP8266 boards.
8th July 2022
- Also in the library for the ADXL345, I switched the pitch angle calculation (see 7th of July).
- I think I found the bug that caused subscribers to also always be informed about the previous post (English version). But I can only test that with the next release.
7th of July 2022
I have changed the calculation of the pitch angle in the libraries for the MPU9250/MPU6500 and the ICM20948. The definitions of the pitch and roll angles can be found here.
14th June 2022
I modified the article about the DS3231 regarding the use of rechargeable batteries (LIR2032) after problems were reported to me.
11th June 2022
- I have written a library for the 24-bit, 4-channel AD converter ADS1220 and published it here on GitHub. Alternatively, you can install it via the library manager of the Arduino IDE. A post about this will follow in a few weeks.
23rd April 2022
- The MCP23017_WE library is now also suitable for use with the MCP23018 and MCP23S18 port expanders. I will publish a post about the MCP23x1y family in a few weeks.
6th April 2022
- My library for the INA219 current sensor is now also able to run on ATtinys. The new version is available on GitHub and should be available or updated via the Arduino library manager in the next days. I have added an example sketch.
- Due to problems with a WordPress plug-in the subscription of comments did not work. This only came to our attention after a reader pointed it out. The problem is now fixed!
1st April 2022
- To my post about LED dot matrix display control I added a chapter about TA6932 based, two-color displays.
25th March 2022
- I have now implemented SPI for the MPU9250 library. With this, much higher data rates are achievable.
- I also missed to point out that level converters usually have to be used when MPU9250 modules are controlled by 5V based MCUs. I have changed the circuit and the test in the article.
20th March 2022
- With the MPU9250_WE library you can now also control the MPU6500. In principle, this is an MPU9250 without a magnetometer.
19th March 2022
- Update of the libraries MCP23017_WE, ADXL345_WE and ICM20948_WE with regards to SPI control: You can now select the SPI clock speed.
18th March 2022
- I have created a new library for the control of SPI based EEPROMS. It is called EEPROM_SPI_WE it is available here on GitHub or via the Arduino library Manager. I will introduce the library in a blog post in a few weeks. .
Hi Wolle…?
You did it man !!! 🙂
I have been struggling to interface my NodeMCU8266 to an external EEPROM 24C256.
I found your recipe on how to do it and it works flawlessly.
Thank you.
Now I can sleep well – and continue to make my very low power, solar driven rain gauge.
Have a nice life.
Best regards
Hi Klaus, great that I could help. Thanks for the feedback!